The Item Price Window is in the lower right portion of the Bidding Window, and receives and displays the contractors pay item prices on a project.
The Item Price Window is a table of the pay items in a project, with relevant information about each pay item including item description, units of measure (UOM), quantity, unit price and extended price. In most cases, the bidder is required to provide a price for the pay items, but there are situations where a pay item will have a fixed price and the user will enter the quantity, or both the quantity and price are fixed.
The functionality available in the Items Window includes:
All pay items must have a non-zero price to be considered complete, to be able to submit a bid
Nodes in the tree structure, change from red, bold and italic text to normal, black text when the requirement for bid submittal have been met.
If an addendum modifies the quantity of a pay item in the project, the price for this pay item will be reset to $0.00, and the user will have to re-enter the pay item price.